Step 2. Imagine With Emotion

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Step 2 26%
Click here to review previous steps: Step 1 Know What You Want “Hello and welcome. It’s Lori again and we’re on to Step 2 now.Today, we’re talking about Imagine with Emotion. And it’s a very special kind of imagination in that, you get your feelings in a place of already having received. Now isn’t that a satisfying place to be? That’s what we want you to do to make sure that you’re feeling good about everything that you do. But more importantly, that you spend some time creating some sort of a vision board for yourself. So here I am at my new home and I am enjoying nature outside of my backyard. What I did… this was what I call my year of change, 2005. And this is my 2005 diary. I created at the back of my diary, a vision board. And I put it there with pictures of the place that I was about to move to. And it has pictures of Lorikeets, which are rainbow parrots. They actually sit just out here in the mornings. And I looked at this vision board each time and I imagined how great it would be when I was going to live this life. But I put myself in the picture. It’s a brilliant way of creating a vision board that you take with you. But it’s not really the exact scenes of your life, but rather the feeling. This vision board is so that you can open it up wherever you are, carry it with you and go, “ah, yes, that’s what I want”. So that’s the purpose of creating a vision board inside of your diary. I have one each year, and this year my diary, still, and I’ve got a new vision board in there, and it’s a feeling vision board. It’s wonderful. So the idea of Imagine with Emotion is that you are putting yourself in the picture and you’re really enjoying that visual. You may have a more auditory learning style, which is important for you to understand how you learn things and put them into the visualization process, because you may need to hear music; you may need to create a vision board that is like a Mind Movie. That’s a good product to use. There are also things like Movie Maker, or if you’re using a Macintosh there are other programs that will help you put together a slideshow with music, and music is what’s really engaging. So, get that started! That’s a really important ‘how to’ is to take the time to put together a vision board. It’s not too hard. It’s too important not to. So I really encourage you to make sure you are putting together your own vision board and that it’s something that really makes you feel great. This is all about speeding up that next step. Now tomorrow what we’ll be talking about is the turning point for me. In one hour with this next step, I turned my life around, and it was never the same after that. The next step, Step 3 to SPEED Manifesting is Feel Gratitude.”2VideoCourse

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