How to manifest: 7 Steps

How to learn

Open Youtube for overview of 7 steps

You are about to learn the 7 principles to manifesting faster, and when you’re done you can find out the way to apply this method and get back on track incredibly fast. This 7 Steps Video Course supplements the teachings in my book SPEED Manifesting: The Method.

First, as you learn the manifesting steps, there is a trick to apply it

Plug in and do the work on yourself, your thoughts and your small daily habits. This video course is the place to start your mastery of manifesting. You can access it below for free. Get started now

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7 Steps Course - your progress
Intro 5%

“Hello and welcome to this series of SPEED Manifesting™. This is a 7 part online course that you’ll be getting over the next 7 days, and what I am going to be going through is the 7 step process to SPEED Manifesting™. My name is Lori Mitchell and I am the author of SPEED Manifesting™ and I teach this because I turned my life around very, very quickly. Within 6 months I was living in a new country, and had so many issues that I previously had been struggling with for so many years, sorted out incredibly fast. And when I looked back to see what I was doing that had made the difference I saw a pattern. I went out and studied what it was and then started to duplicate it in my own life, taught it to other people who also started to duplicate it. So I am now teaching that to you and to others around the world. What I wanted to start out with today was the first step to SPEED Manifesting™. So Step 1 is: is Knowing What You Want.” ~ Lori Mitchell

Ready to binge on SpeedManifesting? Here’s the next step link: 7 Day Course Step 1.

Member’s Manifasta

Our commitment is to become enlightened, financially independent people who are successful in all areas of life. We live the life of our dreams with the support of loving people around us.

We give first and receive all that is offered to us. We serve and provide huge value to those around us. We thrive on excellence, abundance and growth of ourselves and others.

We powerfully attract the things, the people and circumstances we desire into our lives.

We choose to give up being a victim of circumstances and understand our potential power of creation.

We take full responsibility for everything that happens to us as we make our choices and release our internal energies.

Without apology we attract and use money to be free to live the purposeful life we were born to live.

We are true to ourselves and are willing to question our Beliefs while surrendering to the Laws of the Universe.

We understand that Balanced Wealth is a connection to Money, Self, Others and Nature inclusively.

We are free, because we can think new thoughts.

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