Ah the roller coaster of life.
Hey, I know, it’s been ages. I’ve been having my own adventures. I have been learning and expressing and exploring life and where I want to expand next. From 2014 I had a fabulous time…
SpeedShifting Session
If you would like to explore one of your blocks to manifesting, I can help you identify it with the SpeedShifting Technique. It takes about 45 minutes. Contact me for further info. Here is a…
My Peaceful Divorce: the personal secret I kept for a year
11 Things to Teach Kids About How to Attract Money
The Liberating Energy of Completion
from Logic to Magic
You Are Not Manifesting Alone
When I heard him say “I manifested this; I manifested that” I stopped to listen carefully. He was telling me and others about his skills and prowess at learning how to create and call forth…