We are now out of Bangkok
We are now out of Bangkok and happily in our wild eco spa-resort, Faa Sai in the Chanthaburi region of Thailand near the Cambodian border.
We are now out of Bangkok and happily in our wild eco spa-resort, Faa Sai in the Chanthaburi region of Thailand near the Cambodian border.
Gayel arrived last night fine. We’re just waking up and going for breakfast. Gary tells me the #Bangkok airport closed. Will keep u posted. #finding50
The adventure has begun&Gayel isn’t even here in #Bangkok yet! I am fine. Away from protesters. AusGov advises all Aussie travellers return.
Well… today my title is making a point. It’s the opposite of how I feel about happiness, but I wanted to emphasize that most of us grew up with the subconscious message that “when…