Ah the roller coaster of life.
Hey, I know, it’s been ages. I’ve been having my own adventures. I have been learning and expressing and exploring life and where I want to expand next. From 2014 I had a fabulous time…
SpeedShifting Session
If you would like to explore one of your blocks to manifesting, I can help you identify it with the SpeedShifting Technique. It takes about 45 minutes. Contact me for further info. Here is a…
Time to Handle the Overwhelm this Weekend
This weekend: experience releasing a block or barrier in a group SpeedShifting session via skype. It might be the perfect time to let go of “overwhelm.” The end of year season brings up a lot…
Imagine Your Moment…
The Point TV Interview Video | Speed Manifesting
Here is a live studio interview recorded this week. If you’d like to know more about Speed Manifesting, the 7 Steps, Beliefs and why you are not successful yet, listen in: (40 minutes) Gerald Pauschmann…
11 Things to Teach Kids About How to Attract Money
Latest Book Reviews have been coming in…
I hope you share in my celebration as the latest feedback on “At the Speed of Beliefs” have been coming in lately. It warms my heart to see that people are getting something out of…
The Liberating Energy of Completion
You Are Not Manifesting Alone
When I heard him say “I manifested this; I manifested that” I stopped to listen carefully. He was telling me and others about his skills and prowess at learning how to create and call forth…