Time to Handle the Overwhelm this Weekend

This weekend: experience releasing a block or barrier in a group SpeedShifting session via skype.6116884557_ae2e910073_q_breathe

It might be the perfect time to let go of “overwhelm.” The end of year season brings up a lot of energy; positive and negative. Getting onto it early would help you through the season.
Purpose of challenging circumstances is to give you the chance to clear and release some stuff.
When you release the old energies, you get more space to either enjoy the lull, or fill it with more of what you want and need.
Of course, my recommendation is not to fill it with real ‘stuff.’ Haven’t you found that chasing more stuff only complicates life? I have. I enjoy my possessions for sentimentality, beauty and usefulness, but beyond that, it’s just stuff.
It needs to be cleaned, dusted, maintained, fixed or stored.
Instead, I am finding that life gets back on track and calmer by focusing on RELEASING, LETTING GO, and clearing to stay in flow.
In particular, when we release old beliefs in the form of stuck energy, the results can be fast and furious!
67That’s what my SpeedShifting technique is all about; clearing old beliefs and having a new perspective to create and allow more of the good stuff: quality time, adventures, and resources to have a great life.
Please join me for this very special group call live this weekend, 7pm on Sunday, Queensland time.

We will go through two SpeedShifting sessions over the 30 minutes, one on “overwhelm” this week, and the other will be an open session so you can sit quietly and personalise your experience to suit your current block or barrier.

Once you’ve seen and felt the power of this simple technique you will be invited to come back for the next group session. Also, you can then consider becoming a facilitator, and applying to learn how to shift your own and others’ beliefs quickly.

RSVP by emailing or messaging me, or if you need more details.

(One-on-one sessions are also available. Contact me if you’d like to know more.)
It’ll be good to share this powerful and simple technique with you and get you some calm space to expand into more!

I look forward to working with you soon.
Abundant blessings,

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