The Liberating Energy of Completion

manifesting moneyI’ve been working with a full-time coaching client helping her get her author’s platform up and running. She hired me because she has been sitting on her ideas for a decade and she didn’t have the confidence nor the know-how to market them, and now it has become urgent to make it happen. Her strengths are in planning and analysing and she identified that she needed an implementation coach to get her moving and taking consistent daily action towards her dreams. She needs accountability, and she didn’t want to figure out all the technical stuff. But she understands that she needs a social media platform, and fast.

Although I thought I left it behind, my 20+ years in the computer industry have been useful to translate the crazy, jargon-filled world of the web. I have also been through the Author’s/Internet Marketing/Publishing/Coaching path myself for over 7 years and so I can guide her to avoid the time and money-wasting tactics that I have already found don’t apply to our unique industry.

Taking control of thoughtsShe is in charge of her business, and she has a strong will. Usually when I am coaching someone, in order to break through their old patterns and habits I need their attitude to be totally coachable – that is, they must do what I ask them to do, and do it on time. With her though, it’s different. As an Indie-preneur, she needs to know exactly what her vision is and use her will to hold it. She also needs to be intuitively guided to decide what’s aligned with that vision. I love this type of coaching – it’s a mix between the practical, logical business model coaching, and also calls in the magical, creative, inspired Universal energy to help us set up her business platform very quickly.

One thing she has been experiencing lately is the wonderful energy of completion. To start, she had many notes, journals and lists of ideas on many pieces of paper and in files. She has plenty of great material and potential products. I would say that her biggest problem has been that she has stopped short at the last inch of several of her projects, and this is one of the barriers she is ready to overcome.

I have been taking her through the tactics to complete projects in each of 5 specific areas sequentially, starting with her Platform. We are now moving onto the next area, her Products. When we got to this area, her To-Do lists got out of control and she balked. I have shared some of my business tactics to overcome this including:

  • breaking down the project into manageable milestones
  • getting started, without worrying about getting it right
  • focusing on ONLY the next task to complete until it’s done
  • celebrating the progress

What I can see now is her realisation that she is actually gaining momentum and speed by FINISHING things; even small things. She has her daily actions to complete and we are getting her to choose only a few each day, and complete them. I call it Small Steps to Your Big Dreams, and it’s a wonderful formula with the certainty of success if you just keep going.

Completion brings in the Universal energy by creating a vacuum, just like Step 7 of Speed Manifesting: “Start Circulation.” What you are doing is creating space for more.

The interesting thing is that once you continually take actions to complete things, everything starts to speed up as Life rushes in to fill that space. And when you also have your vision clear, what shows up, is what you’ve asked for. For her, it is amazing to see how everything just seems to be easily building and falling into place. She tells me she’s come to realise that she didn’t want to go it alone and loves the energy of working with me as a team and having a supporter by her side. I see her as the one who is creating this, and I am standing on the sidelines, sometimes passing her the ball and sometimes just cheering her on. That is the joy of coaching. I get to watch people expand and prosper, and for me I can feel the liberating energy of completion.



Speed Manifesting bookWith a 20 year career in the IT industry Lori Mitchell has successfully mastered the skill of turning complex concepts into simple usable knowledge. Since 2007 she has focused on personal development training and has worked with clients and participants, empowering them to take their lives and goals to a new level of manifesting fast. Speed Manifesting is her book on the definitive guide to personal success in the 21st century.

2 responses... add one

A wonderful story and one I can relate to as well. I recently started manifesting again. Lori, I review the 7 steps every week.

Thanks Evan. Glad to hear you are using the tools. I also regularly ask myself “What do I want right NOW?” and that question gets me clear on my present intention (Step 1 Know What You Want) , and focuses my next actions. It’s great to stay in touch with you. I appreciate you! ~Lori

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