What an amazing 28 Days I just had…

Well, the last 28 Day Challenge just completed yesterday.5374200948_539b10fb1c_q_calendar


My personal results and breakthroughs included:

  • a sudden family reunification :`)
    It has been over two years since my family broke .  My husband and youngest son haven’t been in contact. They needed to be apart and I knew that. Now, healing has begun. A school sports day was the perfect event to bring them together. I did nothing to create this, except hold the space for a future together. Free Will is a Universal Law. We have to accept it, no matter what we want. To me, this is a miracle that occurred spontaneously during the heightened creative time of the Challenge. #grateful
  • started a brand new online jewellery business with a friend
    Incredibly, this complete project began and completed during the Challenge. In that time we decided what we wanted, set up the business registration and bank accounts, got domain name registrations and webhosting, set up an online shopsite, sourced and bought the stock, took photographs for the site and handled the obstacles with calm and ease. It was incredible how The Flow was fully engaged. We launch in less than a week and I am amazed at how beautifully this continues to come together step-by-step. This is the way to do business! This is commerce with alignment.
  • finished my Beliefs book manuscript
    After 3 years of stalled material, my book on Beliefs is ready for editing. That was my main intention for this Challenge, and each day I would work on a part of it with assumptions that it was ready to go: I registered a book ISBN (must be published within 6 weeks of date) and moved forward with announcements. I am very happy with the book flow and ideas, and one of my book readers has stepped forward volunteering to edit, so that it has connection to my work.
  • shifted a huge (HUGE) amount of reactions around feeling trapped, in bondage and at the effect of the world(!)
    This came up when I was registering the business and the bureaucracy became an entity of its own. I have set up businesses before and things have changed. Plus, living in Australia meant new rules for me. One of my highest values is freedom, and this hooked me, line and sinker (it happens to all of us). I was fully in my reactions for about 24 hours, then I started SpeedShifting™ once I identified my reactions. It was instant peace within, and I continued, unbothered, clear on what I had to do. This technique is a gift to all of us, when we are willing to stop and use it.
  • I also re-vamped the cover fonts on Speedmanifesting: The Method
    It needed an updated look and the last change wasn’t sitting right with me. It suddenly came to me after I was looking at the spine and realized that was the answer. I have also dropped the Speedbook version, consolidating the Amazon.com product (see the latest cover here).  I feel like it is the best it’s ever been, and that goes along with my feeling that I am finally ready to get busy again and receive more while I let go of the need to be in control of my life!

Some of these were part of my intentions, but others were beautiful surprises and sped-up synchronicities while I was so powerfully in action, in Flow and fully practicing The Method.

As we do each Challenge I learn how to improve, fine-tune and get better results for the members participating.  That’s why I have started to work personally with each Challenge member weekly, with a SpeedShifting™ Session to clear the blocks that come up. From now on I am limiting each 28 Day Challenge to 10 new members, because of my personal work with them each week.

The members participating had huge breakthroughs in shifting their reactions to the obstacles, resulting in zero procrastination, less dramas, less resistance from others, an increase in cashflow and clarity around what is most important.

The changes seem subtle to them: I had to sometimes remind of their own words before and at the end of the 28 Days.

  • In the beginning for one woman, she passionately told me “I hate my job!” During the Challenge it became a gentle resolve to create a new opportunity, while suddenly her bosses changed and work became much more pleasant.
  • One man let go of a huge amount of disappointment, sadness and weariness at having money problems for so long. By the end, he was still continuing on his path, but with more peacefulness. Plus during the 28 days he took two practical business courses on PR and public speaking (one gifted to him!) and he received a write up in major newspapers, which created new clients coming to him even from long distances.
  • Another man wanted to go on a six week Bucket List dream holiday. When we began working on his intention I was able to teach him the difference between a progressive intention statement with clear measurability, versus being stuck in hope, while worrying about how to pull it off and make everyone in his life happy if he left them for an extended period of time.  We established that it wasn’t practical to actually go on the dream holiday during the Challenge (it was logistically too soon). So he redefined his Intention statement to  have his trip paid for and by the end he had the money saved to pay for it.

I am glad we have a break between Challenges, because I need it! If you are keen and want help as you learn and practice, check here to find out when the next Challenge starts.

Abundant possibilities,

p.s. I forgot: during the Challenge I also got offered a new cruise speaking gig for next year!

One response... add one

How can a busy mother and wife do so much in such a short space of time?

My feet are still dragging in treacle…but it’s a happy drag.

I’m speed shifting this drag as soon as I finish this post.

My challenge intention is truckin along just fine and I am now certain I shall attain the result by Xmas or before.

Thank you for the time and quality of coaching.

Hugs for you Lori

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