We’ve started the first SpeedShifting™ Challenge today, and the group is beginning to get their intentions written down clearly.
The audio replay is posted for session #1 of four weeks of Live podcasts for the Ruby90 members. It’s only 20 minutes for the first one, and we covered the Speed Manifesting™ Method through Asking, Aligning & Allowing. Then we did a quick SpeedShifting™ process where the group’s members listened and completed their own guided session independently.
Today is Day 1 and we were finishing up getting everyone their pdf guides downloaded and printed so they can follow along to help them complete new habits and release old beliefs too.
If you’d like to know more or might want to find out how to join the next one, browse the Challenge page updates here…
This new technique is seriously SpeedShifting™ some long-held blocks, barriers and limiting beliefs and the results are coming through fast.
It would be awesome to have you be one of the first in the world to get the benefits of this. Think about joining the next one with me?
If you’d prefer to try it out in a scheduled session, contact me privately.
Abundance to you,