VisionBoardsWork! Manifesting a Cruise-Sydney

I promote and strongly recommend that you do a VisionBoard for your year or season’s intentions. I have one inside my diaryplanner, and displayed in my office, where I spend the most time.

Something very special just happened yesterday from this visionboard cutout. It was up for the last couple of months. Suddenly, I got a call out of the blue to offer a guest speaker cruise! In 3 weeks my husband and I are flying to Sydney to cruise and speak at a 3 day lifestyle cruising seminar!! Thankyou Roseline Deleu for recommending me!!! #speedmanifestingWorks!

And when will you be taking time to create a VisionBoard for yourself? Soon?

Abundant blessings,



  • martinaj

    Hello Lori,
    How do you feel about a slide show? I have created a little slide (images, music with affirmations) show using Windows Movie Maker and I saved it on my phone and tablet, so I can access this slide show anywhere any time. I try to look at it least twice a day.

    • Lori Mitchell

      Hi Martina, slideshows are great, especially if you are an auditory-visual learner. Daily repetition and focus makes it work. Feel good as you watch it, enjoying the scenes a few minutes, several times a day. The feeling is the key to aligning your subconscious and opening the door to opportunities for receiving your desires. Have you had a chance to get my book? It is available on Amazon as an eBook too for only $4 downloaded. I explain how to use the 7 steps and Why it works. When your subconscious says “that makes sense” then you have less resistance to accepting new ideas. Mind Movies are fabulous. Thanks for commenting and communicating with me!

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