5 Signs That You Are Awakening

At the beginning of Awakening, we hardly notice that anything is happening. But in hindsight we can clearly see a pattern that applied to us, and is applying to others. Here are 5 observations to check whether you are Awakening:

1. You get bored with superficial conversations.

2. You notice that it’s pointless to yell at the TV.

3. You begin to notice that you don’t care as much whether the red team or the blue team wins.

4. There are more moments where you have a pause button on your reactions.

5. Meaningful, uncanny coincidences begin to show up more often.

The journey to Awakening has many symptoms, but it begins with some subtle changes that take you out of the pre-programmed beliefs as you begin to see that there is more to life than what you have seen before.

If this is you, it may be time to write a new Wish List for your life, from a deliciously fresh and increasingly wider perspective.

Good timing, being New Year and all!

Abundant blessings,


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