Want Wealth? Ask Yourself a Question

If it is wealth you are looking to manifest, get in line! Many people come to me wanting more wealth, more money or just to be abundantly rich, and I am so pleased they have! People LIKE YOU need to be wealthy so that you can consciously direct the currency toward a New Earth.

Start with yourself in your own spoken words:

Get aligned to it. Feel it. Be it, in your thoughts. Accept yourself totally inside that desire. Use a simple affirmation that gets you in the mood for receiving wealth.

Start out with a question, such as “How did I get to be so rich?”

Does that feel great? Now, feel the excitement of meeting yourself in that moment of time.

Use this affirmation and you’ll get clarity, ideas, inspirations, random thoughts of things to do, places to go, people to see. Write down a wish list and a take action list.

Get rich, really! Then go play! And use it for expansion of all that you love; things, experiences, relationships, feelings.

If it is wealth you are looking to manifest, you could add some emotive words with a question, such as “How did I get to be so wealthy?” and feel the excitement of meeting yourself in that moment of time.

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