Searching for Happiness in Thailand



today my title is making a point. It’s the opposite of how I feel about happiness, but I wanted to emphasize that most of us grew up with the subconscious message that “when I get … then I will be happy.”

The Truth that you can experience for yourself is, Happiness is a Choice. You start with happiness, and the rest comes, or not. But you still have happiness.

I will be exploring the relationship to happiness as I follow my friend Gayel throughout Thailand over the next 3 weeks. You can follow us through this blog.

I have briefly been to Thailand once before in 2000, and I noticed that although there was poverty over the back fence of each hotel, the Thai people seemed so joyous and happy. I am interested in observing more of this and I will share it with you. I know very little about the geography, history, culture or customs (except of course if you have read my book you would know that I already found out how to say “thank you”). This trip is a wide open unknown for me, and I am following the flow of the Universe to do this special trip. I will be creating as I go, alongside Gayel and you may see some interesting SPEED Manifesting(TM) as you watch us authentically, transparently following the SPEED Manifesting Method(TM). The insight you will gain from watching us will be invaluable to your own journey of learning to create consistently and quickly.

I fly out from the Gold Coast to KL Kuala Lumpur on the way to Bangkok. I have a day in Bangkok as I await Gayel’s flight from Christchurch New Zealand to join me the next day. I have a one night hotel booked, but I have no idea what I will be doing there. I can sort out some intentions for the day before I get there so I can create a great day’s experience. Sounds like something good to do on the 9 hour plane flight.

Please feel free to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed so you can find out when I post. I look forward to reading your comments as you share this joy-ourney with me and Gayel.

We’ll see you soon.


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