SPEED Wobbles

I confess it’s been over a week since my last blog.

And what a week it’s been.

Since the beginning of February I have been talking with my friend and coaching student Gayel on the current 28 Day SPEED Manifesting Challenge about her “finding50” quest. We have been exploring how to re-ignite her 2 year forgotten dream of celebrating her upcoming 50th birthday by taking a year (50 weeks) off to travel and immerse herself in the experiences of spirituality, learning and peace. She was watching this dream slip away as her 50th birthday year emerged. She has a wonderful man in her life now, and truly doesn’t want to spend a year away from him. He has spent 20 years traveling the world and is working in his purpose now.

By re-framing her dream we were able to explore another option; could you accomplish it in 50 days instead of 50 weeks? From that point on, the possibility became her reality and her clarity about the quest allowed the decision and the action.

At that time she saw me taking photographs in my garden and also knows I am from the computer industry, so she asked me to come with her and film it. My immediate answer within my heart and my mind was a quiet peace, calmness and silence, which allowed the perfect response; sure! It was possible for me to do this, as my business is online courses and teleseminars and I can do that anywhere in the world that has Internet and phones. My husband supports this idea and completely got behind it. I have an airfare I can use for this. The timing was perfect and the first few steps were easily viewable to me.

What is astounding, is that only a few months ago I had decided to do some sort of traveling reality show which people could actually follow me with a team who were manifesting FAST – using the SPEED Manifesting Method. I feel it is important for more people to witness it happening to believe how easy and simple it is to manifest quickly. I said it, I declared it, and then I let it go, not knowing how to do any of it.

Recently 3 distinct things happened to bring this to me (I have not been pushing or chasing this, as I really did not know how to do it).

one) twitter. I joined twitter on 20th December and within a month I had over 1,000 wonderful tweeps – people – following me. I was learning and laughing from them. It is an awesome tool to connect with people and be informed about the real world from the perspective of individual snippets of people’s lives and words.

two) Maria Andros, The Video Marketing Queen. I found her through a twitter recommendation and her style of authentic and transparent video blogs caught my attention. It has also caught the attention of many other thankful students. I could see myself doing what she was doing and applying it to a SPEED Manifesting travelling Challenge.

three) Gayel Marquet and her finding50 quest and invitation to take care of the technology support and video blogging as we travel. Now another wonderful part of our mastermind is complete as Gayel’s friend Theresa joins us and is the perfect complement to our abundant, conscious, spiritual quest.

So what does this have to do with my SPEED Wobbles this week? Earlier this week it was starting too feel ‘big’ because I made it so. I started going to far into the future and switched into my planning mode, and worry crept in. That is not flow, and I let go of the detail. We are working on the next step, the Itinerary so we can organize the flights. Now it is easy again, and I am releasing any energy of resistance as it happens. I am free to be in the NOW. As this develops I have realised that I am called to do this with Gayel and Theresa, and simultaneously bring you along on my SPEED Manifesting Around The World.

Thank you for being a part of the seedling phase as we authentically and transparently share the power of SPEED Manifesting.

I am thrilled to have begun.
Abundant prosperity,

“We have a passion…we want to make a difference…we have begun.” Sir Peter Blake’s last log book entry

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